Xactimate User Certifications
What, When, How, & Why? ™
An Xactimate Certified User is someone who has successfully passed an Xactimate User Certification and is within their current period of certification. An Xactimate User Certification consists of an online exam, which measures your current level of proficiency in USING Xactimate.
Xactimate User Certifications are available in three assessment levels: Level 1 (Fundamentals), Level 2 (Proficiency), and Level 3 (Subject Matter Expert).
During the user certification, you use Xactimate to create a project, which includes a sketch and scope for both an interior and a roof loss. Afterwards, you will answer estimating questions based upon the estimate(s) you created. Note: You can use either Xactimate desktop or the new Xactimate online to complete User Certification exams.
Exam and sketch difficulty increases with each level. You can begin with Level 1 and proceed to Level 2, etc. OR you can go directly to the Level of Certification you are comfortable in pursuing. That said, achieving a Level 2 User Certification does not include the Level 1 User Certification.
A score of 70% or greater is required to achieve a certification. Retakes are allowed. Also, you can pause and exam and return to it later. While you can complete it on your own time, Xactware does require the exam to be started and completed within 1 year of purchase. Note: If someone else is purchasing the exam for you (e.g. an employer), be sure they use YOUR Xactware ID when purchasing the exam.
An Xactware ID is the email address you use to login to Xactimate. If you need one, you can click here to create one.
Anytime. User Certification exams are available for purchase directly from Xactware. Access to the exam is available immediately upon purchase. Use coupon code: WatermarkUC (case-sensitive) for a $25USD discount on Xactware’s website. Follow link: https://verisk.subscription-suite.io/shop/XactimateCertification (Be sure to use coupon code: WatermarkUC for $25USD off each exam!)
Companies frequently use them as a standard to gauge your proficiency using the software. Check with your employer or client to see if they are interested in you becoming an Xactimate Certified User.
If you are new to Xactimate or need to refresh your Xactimate skills prior to taking a User Certification Exam, you should consider attending an online training or self-paced course, many of which help to prepare you for Xactimate User Certification exams.
Our live online 3-day course prepares for Level 1 and Level 2 User Certifications. Learn More. We also have self-paced Level 1 and 2 courses, each of which help you to prepare for User Certification exams! Learn More. Private Corporate Xactimate training and consultation is also available.
Watermark provides access to an Xactimate training instance for Watermark course attendees, based upon availability, for up to 30 days. Xactware provides access to their Xactimate training instance for purchasers of User Certification exams, for up to 30 days.
Xactimate Certifications are increasingly used by employers to verify your proficiency (Level 1, 2, or 3) in using Xactimate. These certifications are offer companies a baseline to measure your Xactimate skill level. Your certification, once achieved, is valid for two years. Upon successful completion, you also receive a pdf certificate from Xactware, documenting your accomplishment.